As of April 2023, the "Lunch Pail Daily" podcast has been discontinued. For the latest insights and updates from Lunch Pail Labs, visit the blog. Thank you for being part of this story!

Season 1

April 7, 2021

#81 — 🤖 an api but services

In this episode, I share a quick rundown on how I’m thinking of scaling the team
April 6, 2021

#80 — 🤔 pricing thoughts

All about pricing and fixed price vs. hourly
April 2, 2021

#79 — 4️⃣ Quarter in review

A look back at Q1 2021 including the good and the ugly at lunch pail labs 🧫
April 1, 2021

#78 — 💲Compounding

Chatting about habits and compounding and expressing gratitude for a new month 🎉
April 1, 2021

#77 —⚡️ Consulting systems

Taking a look back at some early thoughts on some of Lunch Pail Labs systems and how it has changed. The systems mentioned were inspired by Jason Swenk’s agency systems Disclaimer: I haven’t ta...
March 31, 2021

#76 — 📄 no-code documentation

Talking about open sourcing process and some no-code documentation at lunch pail labs as well as some other considerations when no-code apps grow up!
March 29, 2021

#75 — break time 🏖

Chatting about some rest and restoration in this episode and sharing a little sneak peak of the internal projects in the docket at Lunch Pail 🪣
March 26, 2021

#74 — week in review 🪞

The good, the bad and the ugly at Lunch Pail Labs. Tune in for the takes!
March 26, 2021

#73 — 🏆celebrate the small wins

A short episode but celebrate the small wins y’all!
March 24, 2021

#72 — ☯️ criticism and praise

A little bit of a more vulnerable episode but sharing my thoughts on critics, praisers and what really matters.
March 24, 2021

#71 — 🧮 Forcing Functions

Still feeling the energy from shipping this past weekend. Talking about forcing functions and engineered constraints to make things happen.
March 23, 2021

#70 — Introducing Chord 🪢

Over the weekend shipped a thing 🎉. Build, manage and grow drop-in audio Communities. Check it out at
March 19, 2021

#69 —🪞Week in review

Another Friday, another round up of the good, the bad, and the ugly of Lunch Pail Labs 🥼.
March 18, 2021

#68 — 🥶 you have a choice

Today’s episode is all about leadership and ownership over choices and a rant. Just popped into a chat with a certain respected entrepreneur who was so so so aggressive. Why do things you don’t want to do? I’ll never understa...
March 17, 2021

#67 — 🛣 no-code services journey map

Thoughts and reflections as we approach almost 20 no-code client engagements. What’s the journey for no-code services? What do people need? What does it look like to niche down on a stage vs. try to capture the full stack. Tu...
March 16, 2021

#66 — 🌭 Unbundling x no code

Chatting about unbundling and how no-code can help you launch product unbundling experiments quickly. Some great reading on unbundling is here:
March 15, 2021

#65 — 🔗Process is the product

Sat in on a great conversation with Mike who is one of the founders of dropped a “process is the product” gem. Tune into this episode for some tidbits on the processes we’re thinking of at Lunch Pail Labs.
March 12, 2021

#64 —🪞 Week in review

Check out how the week went at Lunch Pail Labs
March 11, 2021

#63 — 🖼 Process of Design

In today’s episode, I share a quick tidbit about how we approach design at lunch pail labs and delivering design projects for clients.
March 10, 2021

03/10/21: 🎨 what’s our niche?

Talking about how I’m figuring out Lunch Pail’s angle 📐
March 9, 2021

03/09/21: 🪢 Capacity

Chatting a little bit about capacity and how I think about managing it at Lunch Pail Labs 🧪 🧫 have any tips? Feel free to reach out on Twitter @lunchpaillabs I could definitely use some suggestions!
March 8, 2021

03/08/21: 🤝 Collaboration > competition

Chatting about collaboration over competing and how I’m thinking of infusing more collaboration in Lunch Pail Labs!
March 5, 2021

03/05/21: 👀 Week in review

Tune in for how the week went at Lunch Pail Labs including what went well, what went poorly and what was learned.
March 4, 2021

03/04/21: 🧪 the experiment stack

Chatting a little about the no-code tools we use at Lunch Pail Labs to launch experiments fast 💨