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March 23, 2022

#223 β€” πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ”§ Learn, Build, Teach

#223 β€” πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ”§ Learn, Build, Teach

I've been operating under the learn, build, teach mantra. Jamming in this episode about turning learning and building activities into teaching and reflecting on the process I used for creating a cheat sheet with Adalo


What's up everybody? This is Lola Ojabowale, founder of lunch pail labs. Welcome back to lunch pail daily, my personal audio diary on building and growing lunch pail labs, a digital product studio based out of Atlanta, Georgia. 

In today's episode, we're going to jam about learning, building and teaching, which is the current operating philosophy that I'm running at lunch pail labs, I had my first pseudo experiment with this, and I wanted to jam about the process and how I'm thinking about going about it moving forward.

So background, worked on a integration slash component for a no-code platform called Adalo. It was a client project. And I use the below process to kind of take a learn slash build kind of activity, and also transform it into something that I could use to teach, share, amplify some of the work that I'm doing outside of that. So jamming, on that process here, first thing was that I thought was really helpful was note taking while I work, meta cognition from working aloud some higher level thinking of what snippets of the process I can do and share.


Personally, I journal regularly throughout the day, usually in between my 25 minute sprints, but especially when I'm engaged in the like a process of building keeping a running, I call them build notes. Of what I'm thinking what I'm trying to figure out, particularly I think, was very fruitful as I as I as I create, and then reviewing that later, really helped find kind of meaningful snippets to share that if I'm just you know, consuming or thinking I may not recognize that it's something that was not obvious to me previously. Second, one piece of this was sharing to validate. So earlier this month, I shared a GIF of so for this dollar thing, I made a kind of like a cheat sheet, I shared a GIF of that and a notion doc, and asked folks, if they wanted to see it, they could drop a little high emoji. And so I think it's helpful in the validating for especially on the teaching front to see how people are if people are interested, and what I do pull out content, if it resonates otherwise, I can pull out different content.


And then the last piece is like iterating, and getting feedback along the way. So I had I kind of missed the deadline I had originally proposed for getting that cheat sheet out and had a few like, eager folks in my DMs asking where it was. So I gave them early access, and also sharing some progress on the Twitter's as well. So co building of these resources, I think, can be helpful just from like a length of content piece. So that one, you know cheat sheet then turns into multiple pieces of potential content validation piece and building progress pieces, and then the ultimate like content slash products. So overall, seems like a kind of like a cool process that we'll probably look at applying forward. Moving forward. I think for me, the really big thing is I want to ideally ship more content that is about building and a little less about frameworks. So I think there are like, helpful model mental models, but more things that apply those things and have like the fruits, surely the fruits of that, like labor and models and less of the Hey, like this is a framework but like, hey, like this is a framework that has this thing. I think I do the former because it's honest, it's a little bit less effort.


But keeping I think, main takeaway keeping the running journal why work, I think will help me come up with more content. So anywho that's really it for today.

Another short update, still getting into the swing of things being kind of out of my usual space. And so that's all I got for you all on this Wednesday, and I hope you all have a wonderful one.